偷窃老手尼克(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)顺利完成了委托人的任务返回住所,但是在交接时委托人麦斯(马龙·白兰度 Marlon Brando饰)给他带来了一好一坏两个消息:坏消息是买主死掉了,尼克无法出货;好消息则是有一单四百万的大生意在等着他——需要尼可从海关大楼的地下室偷出国王的加冕权杖。预备和女友结婚的尼可不想再涉足偷窃,但是麦斯的合作者——乔装弱智打入海关内部的青年杰克(爱德华·诺顿 Edward Norton 饰)对这单生意锲而不舍,杰克终于打动尼可,与之结成了偷窃权杖的二人组合。杰克凭借出色的急智完成了准备工作,尼可对这位锋芒毕露的年青人要求严格,但又不乏暗暗的赞许。行动当夜,两人潜入海关,但事情的发展却出人意表……</p>...
Three men go on a hunting trip deep in the Swedish forest. Things start well, but one day all the animals vanish and the forest turns eerily quiet, leaving the men alone as they insist the hunt must continue....
A Necron dynasty, dormant for eons, rises in the depths of the Nephilim Sector, now inhabited by fleshy interlopers in the Pariah Nexus. Led by Necron Cryptek Illuminor Szeras, they seek to reclaim dominance on the planet Paradyce....